Mission Pastor Gathering

Our next Missions Pastors Meeting will be Thursday, September 15, 12:00pm-1:30pm. We will meet at Eastside South Marietta (formerly Mosaic Church), 1528 Austell Rd., SE Marietta.

It will be a great time of sharing what you’ve done, where you are going, and how we can join together in the days ahead. Lunch is free (yay!) Plus, we will hear about a few new mission opportunities that you might be able to connect with at your church.

Hit the big blue Register button so we can reserve a place for you!


Sep 15 2022


12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

More Info

Register for Lunch


Eastside South Marietta
1528 Austell Rd., SE Marietta, GA 30008
Register for Lunch