Storehouse Ministries
Client Phone Number: (770) 428-8410
Storehouse is an arm of Noonday that helps us connect and collaborate with churches to care well for those facing food insecurity.
Here are 4 ways your church can partner with Storehouse Ministries:

Become a Partner Church
How It Works:
1. Keep boxes in strategic areas of your church facility and have a regular collection of food items and delivery dates.
2. Post the General Storehouse Food List in your church.
3. Send in monetary donations to the Storehouse Hunger Fund. Make checks payable to Noonday Association and in the memo line of the check write Hunger Fund.

Donate Food or Funds
WE ARE CONSTANTLY IN NEED OF FOOD DONATIONS. We’ve setup and Amazon Wishlist so you can donate easily online.
To donate funds directly, which allows us to shop for food, click the orange DONATE button in the top right corner of this page.

Plan a Serve Day
Set up a time for your group (Sunday School Class, Small Group, Youth groups, etc.) to come and help at Storehouse. You will pack boxes with food, a Bible, and a tract.
If you want to help out at Storehouse Ministries on a weekly basis, click below to email us to set up a day and time for you to help.
All ages can serve – from elementary age to retires adults. Children will need to be supervised by adults.

Start a Food Pantry Ministry
Your church would have food boxes to give out to those sent by Storehouse to your location.
Members of Pantry Churches make personal contacts and develop relationships with persons who contact Storehouse for assistance. This ministry allows practical needs to be met by a church in the neighborhood of the person in need with love, compassion, and spiritual hope.
Click below to email us to find out how to become a pantry church.
Hands to Heart Food Drive
Feb 1-28