IMPACT Annual Meeting 2022
As we gather to celebrate what God is doing in our associational churches in this 164th year of the Noonday Baptist Association, we want to rally to IMPACT our communities with the Gospel like never before. Following a short business meeting for our messengers, all are invited to dinner, a rally, and breakouts that will equip us for the days ahead to make a huge IMPACT in our world.
Registration is required for dinner only and the cost is $7.00 per person.
4:30pm-5:15pm: Annual Business Meeting
5:15pm-5:45pm: Dinner
6:00pm-6:30pm: Rally
Guest speaker: Dr. Ike Reighard, Senior Pastor, Piedmont Church, and President & CEO, MUST Ministries
6:45pm-7:45pm: Breakout Sessions
Breakout Sessions
YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY | Reaching & Engaging Young Adults in Your Community
P.J. Dunn
Young adults crave community where they can go on mission and find authentic relationships and belonging. How will your church reach 20- to 30-year-old adults, and do you know who they are?
TEAMS AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT | Coaching Your Team Through Change and Challenges
Kim Hardy
This class will arm you with creative ways to help your team become intentionally alive and aligned with the best ways to maneuver through change.
STEWARDSHIP | 10 Giving Systems Every Church Must Have to Be Fully Funded
Brian Dodd
Where there is no vision, the people perish. But where there are no financial resources, the vision perishes. In this session, generosity coach and leadership expert Brian Dodd will be discussing how you can implement this strategy and how Piedmont Church increased its weekly giving 18% during the pandemic. Your church can experience similar results as well!
PRAYER MINISTRY | Developing Praying People and a Praying Church
Elaine Helms
Is your church a ‘house of prayer’ like Jesus said it was to be? This workshop will cover what it takes to equip, energize, and mobilize members to become praying people. Subjects like training, opportunities, and promotion will be discussed. Based on the books If My People . . . Pray and Prayer 101: What Every Intercessor Needs to Know, and taught by the author, Elaine Helms.
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY | Better Conversations, Greater Impact
Jessica Bealer
Clear communication is key to success in ministry, but there are certain conversations that matter more. In this session we’ll discuss practical ways to better connect with kids, students, and parents.
ONLINE MINISTRY | Using Tech Tools to Know and Grow the Church
Joy Drake
In this session, you’ll learn how to use technology to increase your churches impact, reach more people, and help them in practical ways. We will also look at plug-and-play action plans and how to easily implement them in your church. Join us as we learn how to leverage these online tools to grow the Church.
STUDENT MINISTRY | Current Trends Among Teenagers
Chris Trent
In this breakout we will look at how current trends are shaping our approach to reaching teenagers with the Gospel and how those trends are impacting discipleship through teaching opportunities.
DEMOGRAPHICS | Deserts and Oases in Cobb County
Tom Carringer, Daryl Price, Kim Harris
Pastoral scenes and two-lane roads have been replaced in Cobb County by sprawling subdivisions, jam-packed freeways, and HOV lanes. The landscape of people and business have drastically changed our neighborhoods and churches. Deserts and oases of people and churches have created unique opportunities for ministry. We’ll look at how these demographic patterns effect ministry and provide potential opportunities for Kingdom growth.