
Tips to Make the Most of Your Church Website This Easter

Feb 27, 2024 | Articles

Easter is a significant time for Christian communities around the world. It’s a period of reflection, celebration, and an important opportunity for outreach. For church leaders, ensuring that your website effectively communicates the essence and activities of your Easter programs is essential. Here are some tips to help make your church website resonate with members and visitors during this blessed season.

Highlight Your Easter Service Times Clearly

Make sure that service times are front and center on your website. Whether it’s sunrise services, Good Friday memorial events, or special children’s programs, clear communication is key. Consider creating a dedicated Easter page, banner or pop-up that appears when visitors first load your page, so the information is immediately accessible.

Messaging Example:


  • Easter Sunday Services: Join us at 6 am, 9 am, and 11 am.
  • Good Friday Reflections: Beginning at 7 pm.


Create a “Plan Your Visit” Section

First-time visitors may feel apprehensive about attending a new church for such a pivotal event. Alleviate their worries with a ‘Plan Your Visit’ section that details what they can expect, where they can park, and any information pertinent to families. Provide a call-to-action where visitors can click to complete a short form letting you know they plan to visit.

Messaging Example:


Planning Your First Visit This Easter? We’re excited to welcome you!

Discover what to expect and see how you can connect with us.


Share Easter-Themed Social Graphics

Utilize the power of social media by creating engaging, sharable Easter graphics. Tailor them for different platforms and encourage your members to share. Not only do these graphics spread the word, but they also offer a digital connection point for both members and potential newcomers.

Messaging Example:


Share the Joy of Easter: Use our #CelebrateEaster graphics to invite friends and family to our services!


Tell Stories of Impact

Personal stories are powerful. Feature testimonies or short interviews with members about what Easter means to them. This can be particularly effective when done in video format, as it creates an emotional touchpoint and showcases the diversity and vibrancy of your congregation.

Messaging Example:


Changed Lives: Watch how Easter transformed John’s life and brought hope into his family.


Provide Directions & Ensure Mobile Responsiveness

In today’s on-the-go culture, many individuals will access your site via their phones. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly so that the information about your Easter services is accessible for everyone, regardless of the device they use. Add functionality for people to get directions to your church right on our website.

Messaging Example:


Our website is mobile-friendly. Get Easter service times, directions, and more right from your phone!



By focusing your website on these key areas, you can ensure that your church offers a welcoming and informative online space this Easter. Remember, your online presence is often the first impression people have of your church; make it count. With intentionality and warmth, your website can be an invaluable asset in bringing people together to celebrate this profound season. May your preparations be blessed and your Easter services filled with joy!

Joy Drake, Church Consultant

Schedule a Discovery Session with Joy