School Prayer 2020 a Success
Burnt Hickory Baptist Church Prayer Coordinator Barbara Clark shared this encouraging update on their annual initiative to prayer walk the schools and cover teachers, staff, students, and parents in prayer. We are so blessed to be part of...
Latest Updates from the CDC on Face Masks and Self-Isolation
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) this week has updated its guidance regarding self-isolation for people testing positive for COVID-19, as well as its policy on face masks. Regarding self-isolation, it’s being reported...
What Georgia churches need to know about reopening church
EDIT: Gov. Kemp has now issued additional guidance on reopening church. Here’s the sccop. Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced Monday, April 21, that our state would undergo a partial reopening in the next couple of weeks....
The Governor’s New Order Beginning April 3
Georgia’s Governor Brian Kemp issued a new shelter-in-place order that begins the evening of April 3, 2020. The Georgia Baptist Mission Board had a Zoom call this morning with Kemp and Brad Hughes, Chairman of the Public Affairs Committee...
Tips for Pastors Navigating the New Cobb County COVID-19 Regulations
TipsforPastorsCobbCOVID19-1Download TipsforPastorsCobbCOVID19Download
Managing the stress and anxiety of the Coronavirus pandemic
Thank you to Noelle Porter of Mount Harmony for this information on managing stress and anxiety during stressful times. These are notes and resources from our most recent KidMin (Children’s Ministers) conference call on March 23, 2020....